Day 65-My First Night Alone Since the Desert

Day 65: 1301.9-1315.7

Another day waking up in the snow. It felt oddly normal. Was I getting used to this? Could it be that I finally didn’t mind it? Oh man, what’s happening, who am I? 😂 

Socks, plastic bags, neoprene booties, shoes.

I unintentionally took it easy today. I looked at my miles and then my watch and realized I had only gone 5.5 miles in 4 hours. Oops! Maybe it had to do with the fact I was actually running into people today, so exciting! At one point there were 6 of us in the same place at the same time. Two of them were friends of Dipity’s so we snapped a photo since they missed her and were heading southbound. 

I had myself another trail detour today, but this one was planned and I knew where I was going. Up again, but only a short distance and everything was snow covered, so no bushwhacking. 😂

Just before the ascent was a view I couldn’t stop starring at. Looking out toward Mt Lassen literally stopped me in my tracks. I needed to get moving, but I couldn’t, and I shouldn’t. These are the moments I’m out here for right?!

This does no justice for how beautiful it was.

Ok time to get to business! Up and over the peak instead of across it. Easy peasy. 

…but then I decided to take one more. The trail wanted me to go down a steep slope, cut across, and then go back up. I think not. This sounded more dangerous than what I’d just avoided. I continued up to the top, looking for a spot to cut down. It wasn’t looking great. I told myself I’d look just a tiny bit further before turning back to brave the actual trail. Just before I was about to turn around I somehow saw one single footprint. I knew it was Dipity’s! At that point I turned into a tracker thinking maybe she was still up here. She wasn’t, but it gave me the motivation to keep looking for a spot to head down. Boom, found one, and what do you know Dipity went the same way! Great minds do think alike.

I headed down and on another 4 miles where I camped. Bummed that Dipity wasn’t here for me to tell her all about the day, I set up. As I lay here I just realized this is the first night I’ve camped alone since I flipped up to Truckee just about 3 weeks ago. Wow, how that’s changed. I definitely miss having my buddies here with me. At least we’ll catch up in Chester tomorrow.


XOXO Becks 

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