Day 65: 1301.9-1315.7
Another day waking up in the snow. It felt oddly normal. Was I getting used to this? Could it be that I finally didn’t mind it? Oh man, what’s happening, who am I? 😂
I unintentionally took it easy today. I looked at my miles and then my watch and realized I had only gone 5.5 miles in 4 hours. Oops! Maybe it had to do with the fact I was actually running into people today, so exciting! At one point there were 6 of us in the same place at the same time. Two of them were friends of Dipity’s so we snapped a photo since they missed her and were heading southbound.
I had myself another trail detour today, but this one was planned and I knew where I was going. Up again, but only a short distance and everything was snow covered, so no bushwhacking. 😂
Just before the ascent was a view I couldn’t stop starring at. Looking out toward Mt Lassen literally stopped me in my tracks. I needed to get moving, but I couldn’t, and I shouldn’t. These are the moments I’m out here for right?!
Ok time to get to business! Up and over the peak instead of across it. Easy peasy.
…but then I decided to take one more. The trail wanted me to go down a steep slope, cut across, and then go back up. I think not. This sounded more dangerous than what I’d just avoided. I continued up to the top, looking for a spot to cut down. It wasn’t looking great. I told myself I’d look just a tiny bit further before turning back to brave the actual trail. Just before I was about to turn around I somehow saw one single footprint. I knew it was Dipity’s! At that point I turned into a tracker thinking maybe she was still up here. She wasn’t, but it gave me the motivation to keep looking for a spot to head down. Boom, found one, and what do you know Dipity went the same way! Great minds do think alike.
I headed down and on another 4 miles where I camped. Bummed that Dipity wasn’t here for me to tell her all about the day, I set up. As I lay here I just realized this is the first night I’ve camped alone since I flipped up to Truckee just about 3 weeks ago. Wow, how that’s changed. I definitely miss having my buddies here with me. At least we’ll catch up in Chester tomorrow.
XOXO Becks