Day 6-First 100 Miles Are Behind Me!

Day 6: mile 81.6-101.2

One silver lining to all the heat yesterday was it made the sand underneath me nice and warm. I actually got hot at one point last night, which was welcomed, off as that sounds. The warmer temperature helped me get moving earlier.

Shortly after I got started I ran into the crew taking a break and hiked off and on with them throughout the day. As you know I’ve been hiking alone for the most part, so it was fun having someone to chat with while we climbed to the next stop.

It was another gorgeous day in the desert, shocker,I know. The best way I can describe the scenery is to think of one of those little potted gardens you can buy at the store, just the right mix of plants placed perfectly, only multiply that by a mountainside for miles. 

We made it to the water cache and took a break in the little bit of shade we could find. We all got a laugh out of the signs with oddly worded directions on which water to use first. I was too busy relaxing to take a picture I guess. This is where I left the crew. I continued on, planning to make it another 10 or so miles for the day. 

As I walked off I felt like my body was still on a break. I was slow moving for a bit until my snack gave my body the jumpstart it needed. The views were amazing as the trail hugged the side of the mountain, so that helped too. 

The wind was blowing nonstop for the rest of the day. I felt like I might blow right off the side a few times. 

I passed by this awesome little cave for one. It didn’t look like anywhere I’d like to sleep, just thinking about it makes me feel claustrophobic. I’d like to think someone slept in it though. 

Shortly after the cave I hit my first 100 miles! In the grand scheme of things it’s not a big deal, but you’ve got to celebrate the little victories right? After spending too long attempting to attach my tripod to my trekking pole in a hanging position, I ended up with a good old fashioned selfie. I laid in the dirt and made my best attempt at getting myself and the 100 mile marker in the photo.

Just over a mile later I reached the campsite and called it a day. I have to say I was pretty exhausted and starving. While I was making my food I realized because I was a day ahead of what I’d planned, which meant an extra burrito tonight, talk about small victories! Yesssss! It was then I decided to double my tortillas for the remainder of the trip. 


XOXO Becks 

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Casey

    Congratulations on your first 100! I am LIVING through you! Water caches, I need to study how that works, so many questions! It’s cool too that they thought to make a marker out of stones for people trekking! The neophyte in me thought, “ingenious!” Enjoy that 2nd tortilla!!! Sending Light

  2. Jill Klinker


  3. Diane (of Diane and Meg) ;)

    Double up the tortillas!! I love following your adventure! Since I can’t get out there in the immediate future….. I’m living my past hiking life through you!

    1. admin

      Never enough tortillas! 😂 That applies to life outside of a thru hike too! 😉

      Happy have you on my journey! 😊

  4. Mom and Dad

    Watching your map today and some big elevation changes. We are so proud of you every day you are on this journey. ( always proud of you) Can’t wait for your next blog when you get service, they are great!! Makes us feel we are right there with you. ❤️❤️

    1. admin

      Thanks guys! It’s been a great adventure so far. 😊

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