Day 53: mile 1195.4-1197.9 ( Nero out of Sierra City)
We all quietly laid awake, trying not to disturb each other. You know, the polite thing to do when you share a room with people you just met. …until I saw Ring Master waving hand motions at Ratatouille and I finally just said, “we’re all awake”. 😂On went the light and conversation.
Ratatouille made us all tea out of a giant Pyrex as we talked about our plan for the day. Ring Master and I had packages to wait for, so we were stuck in town, but Dipity and Ratatouille planned to leave that day.
We all headed back into town to collect the packages that were already there and prep for the next stretch. During this time Ring Master and I decided we didn’t want to hangout all of tomorrow too, or lose our new friends, so we were leaving today. I could live without the fleece pants I was waiting on. I was feeling super motivated to keep moving.
I ordered a few veggie burgers, one for lunch and one to pack out for dinner, and got my pack ready to leave. We all walked back to the trailhead around 4, no hitch again. My pack was way too full and heavy to be walking these road miles! 😂With the snowshoes on top and 6 days of food, this was the heaviest my pack has been yet!
The climb up to camp with my brick of a pack wasn’t as bad as I thought, it was pretty gradual. The boys continued to the top, so it was a ladies only campsite for the night. Dipity was planning to get up and moving far too early for me, but I’m going to attempt to start earlier than usual so I don’t lose everyone in this snow. We’re supposed to hit some sketchy stuff in the morning, so think safe thoughts for me tonight! 😂
XOXO Becks
🤣🤣🤣 Amazing use of emojis! 👌🏻