Day 48 & 49- “Were You Guys Expecting Snow?”

Day 48: mile 1157.6-1160.8 (Peter Grubb Hut) May 21, 2019

Day 49: mile 1160.8-1165.8 May 22, 2019

The weather for the next week forecasted snow and rain each day with temperatures hovering around freezing for the lows. Somehow I’d psyched myself up enough for this that I wasn’t phased. That’s how much I wanted to be back on trail. 

I said goodbye to my warm hotel room as I stepped outside into the snowy day. The Lyft dropped us (my buddy Ring Master was also crazy enough to take on this adventure with me) off and into the snow we walked. 

Only planning on a few miles to the Peter Grubb Hut the first day, we didn’t have far to go. I hadn’t been snowshoeing for a few years, so it was fun getting out there. Outside of the wind picking up and nearly freezing my hands right off for a few minutes, this whole walking in the snow thing was off to a good start! 

We ran into a few snowmobilers who seriously asked us if we were expecting snow. Both of us died laughing. Ummm…well considering it’s clearly everywhere and we have snowshoes, yes! …but maybe just a flake of two. 🤣 I guess this was their polite way of telling us we’re crazy to be on foot out here.

We made it to the Peter Grubb Hut where I met Chester the mouse and learned it wasn’t any warmer inside than out. Not having eaten enough calories, my body was freezing now that I stopped moving. I blew up my air pad, grabbed my quilt and my burrito and headed up the ladder where I warmed up before falling asleep. 

The next morning I woke up and put on my gear to head out. This included my very expensive plastic bag liners. 

Off we went. The second day was pretty uneventful. Off to a very late start, we made our way about 5 miles through mostly flat terrain. Ring Master wasn’t feeling very well (now he hadn’t eaten enough), so we called it a day early. We stomped out our first of no doubt many spots to camp on the snow. This marks my first time snow camping. I guess that’s kind of exciting? 

I hope I don’t freeze tonight… 😳JK I’ll be fine! It’s warmer than last night already. 


XOXO Becks 

This Post Has 4 Comments


    Miss Rebecca,
    When we texted we had no idea the snow was this bad and this isn’t the high Sierras. We don’t know how you do it. Love Mom & Dad

    1. admin

      Haha Well this is why we were the only looney tunes out there! 😜

  2. Jill Klinker

    Holy cow!!

    1. admin

      Haha No kidding! It was wild out there. The best is yet to come! 😉

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