Day 43: mile 569.4-587.3
After one of, or possibly the windiest night on trail I packed up and headed out for the day. The weather was still looking good and it was set to stay that way until tonight, so I thought maybe I could beat it or at least have my tent set up before it hit.
I climbed up, the wind still gusting at some of the turns. This is why I don’t like the sight of all these turbines. Turbines equal wind in my face and a rough nights sleep. I kept my eye out for a good camp spot for SOS so at least one of us didn’t have to deal with the wind. It pays to have a friend a day or two ahead!
The hike today was pretty uneventful, easy walking. Possibly the most interesting thing I heard was there might be a rabid squirrel at one of the water sources. 😂I missed him, sorry no foaming at the mouth photos, but these are pretty cool…
The clouds began to roll in and the thunder echoed through the mountains. I was only a few miles from camp, so the timing was perfect.
When I reached the site I saw quite a few hikers who had the same idea. I recognized most of them, said hello and was off to find a spot tucked in the trees for some cover from the wind and rain. I put my tent up just in time and crawled in for the night. I enjoyed some of the wine I packed out and made animal cracker sandwiches while I waited for my dinner to soak. I’m looking forward to a good night of windless sleep tonight, and if the weather feels like spoiling me, a dry tent by morning. Fingers crossed.
XOXO Becks