Day 31-Always End You Day With A Climb!

Day 31: mile 406.7-430.4

SOS left while I was still laying in my tent with no intention of getting moving any time soon. We planned on making to the same campground that night, so I figured I’d catch him at some point today. 

I enjoyed the morning. I did some laundry, soaked my feet, and rinsed off in the creek. Feeling fresh I was ready to start my day …at 10 am. 😂

The fresh feeling didn’t last very long because it was a hot one! I was literally sweating the sunscreen off my legs. 

One of the water stops for the day was a fire station. I got to there just in time to miss the trail magic. 😩 Bummer. I did take a quick break to catch up with a few people I knew before I headed back up the hill into the heat. 

The rest of the day was a bit of an uphill blur, with the last 4.5 miles being a nonstop climb. I had to haul it to make it to camp before dark. Phew it was a challenge! At lease I was rewarded with an amazing sunset as I got to the top. What a beautiful way to end the day. 

I walked into camp and set up near SOS who had a nice little spot next to a picnic table. We were joined by my friend Katie and another hiker I met earlier in the day who was amazing enough to share some of his beer with me. Heck yes! We chatted while I ate my dinner, and then headed into our tents for the night. I went to bed happy knowing that climb was behind me, and tomorrow I’d be hiking into the Acton KOA for my new shoes and some rest by the pool and hot tub! 


XOXO Becks 

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  1. Jill Klinker


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