Day 191- The End, I’m Not Ready

Day 191: mile 1137.6-TRUCKEE! (last day on trail)

Well here is it, my last day on the trail. I slept terribly. It was the reverse version of being so excited you can’t sleep. I had a million things going through my mind, and at the forefront was the fact I’m not ready for this to be over. I packed my things like I had done almost everyday for the past 6+ months, only this time I did so with a different kind of appreciation. 

I took a moment to appreciate all the little things in my day I normally just go through the motions doing. I stopped to appreciate my last campsite on the trail and the view it provided. Taking in one last morning on the trail where it was just me and nature and no outside world to distract me. I’ll miss my slow mornings in my tent, where I somehow managed to take 3 hours to get moving.  

I filled my bottle with water running from a stream and savored the taste. Filtering is definitely one thing I will miss. There’s just nothing like the water out here. 

My sentimentality was put on pause as I passed through some ski lifts. There’s nothing like signs of human life to take you out of the moment. The views were still beautiful of course. Remanence of the snow storm that passed through was still sticking to the side of the mountain in this area. That is one thing I’m very thankful for, I made it out before the winter storms hit. In fact, I think there’s some snow in the forecast in the next few days. Just in time! 

The trail may have spared me from the snow, but not from the wind. The gusts began and didn’t stop for 7 miles. It was exhausting. I tried to look around me as much as possible to take in my surroundings, but the wind was so strong it made me want to keep my head down for the most part. I was happy the day wasn’t perfect and easy. I kinda felt like the trail was telling me I’m done and the the wind was it’s way of pushing me off. 

With about 2 miles left, and finally out of the wind, I sat down for a minute to get out the birthday cake flavored Complete Cookie I’d been saving for my last day. Today definitely calls for cake and a celebration. 

I made it to the last mile of the trail and that’s when it hit me. That’s when so many emotions overwhelmed me and the tears came. I couldn’t believe this moment was here. Holy crap, I did it! I walked from Mexico to Canada. I never doubted myself for a minute (not seriously anyway). I decided I was going to finish before I even started walking, but even still, I really did it! I felt so many things, but most of all I felt proud of myself. I was so proud of myself for making it through the tough days and never giving up. Walking everyday you forget just how far you’ve come and that this isn’t “normal”, and in that moment I took the time to appreciate myself and my accomplishment. 

All of those feelings were then overcome by nerves. I was nervous to take my last steps and not wake up tomorrow or the next day, or next week and walk toward this goal. This trail has been my life and my purpose for so long, what will I do without it? These past 6 months of my life I finally felt like I’m where I’m supposed to be. I’ve felt like I’m really living life, not just passing the days. What happens now? 

Of course, one more rocky bit of trail to really send me off the right way.

A comically underwhelming feeling came over me when I reached the trailhead. There was no terminus for me to mark the end of my journey, just a trashcan and a weathered sign. I snapped some finish photos and walked off toward the road to hitch a ride into town. Don’t get me wrong, I was so pumped that I finished, letting out a celebratory yell or two, but it was just such a funny place to finish. A guy passed me, heading out on a trail run and he just kind of looked at me funny for taking photos. If he only knew what I had just accomplished… It made me laugh. 

I stood on the road for just a few minutes before I was picked up by a man on his way into Truckee. After a quick trip to the softball field to pick up his daughter and a few other girls from practice, they dropped me at the hostel in town where my Mom had reserved me a spot. I sat at the bar and had my celebratory beer before I headed up to my bunk to unpack and take a shower. 

I put on some loaner clothes while mine were in the laundry and headed to dinner. I sat at the bar of the almost empty restaurant, still a mixed bag of emotions. It was a weird feeling to be sitting there alone with no one to celebrate with after such an accomplishment. It might be one of the few times hiking solo has had a downside. That’s okay, I’ll be home tomorrow and I know my family will be excited and ready to celebrate with me. Plus being hungover on a bus and a plane doesn’t sound ideal, so maybe a calm night is best! 

The cold walk back to the hostel has me feeling happy to be snug in my warm little bunk. Right now this feels like just another resupply, and when will it really sink in?

The trail is over, but this won’t be my last post. I feel like I’ll have far too much to say to end this here, so for now…  


XOXO Green Light   

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jill Klinker

    Woohoo!! What a journey!! I’m so proud of you!! 😊🎉🍾✌️

    1. admin

      Wooohooo!! Thank you for all your support along the way! 🙂

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