Day 189- Dicks Pass and A Lot of Lakes

Day 189: mile 1098.3-1118.1

I woke up to a bit of expected condensation and spent my morning waiting for the sun to come over the ridge and hit my tent. With the sun rising so late now, I decided to just head out before everything was dry. 

The first miles of the day were pretty rocky as I passed by lake after lake. If I wasn’t walking next to a lake I was walking above a lake. Needless to say, the scenery was spectacular. 

I stopped to talk to a few section hikers and realized maybe I have been out here too long. During our entire conversation I was talking as if it was September, it’s now October 14th. I didn’t realize this mistake until I walked off. No wonder they had such confused looks on their faces. It’s one thing to forget the day of the week, but what month it is…

I made it to the top of Dicks Pass and unpacked everything to get my quilt out to dry. After all that effort it had dried on its own. Oh well, I enjoyed the view and a snack before I packed up to head downhill for basically the rest of my day. 

You’d think with all the lakes I’d been seeing in the area water would be no problem, and in fact I’d heard there was plenty. However, the last 10 miles of my day proved otherwise. I thought I might have to hike into the dark to find some water. Luckily I found a frozen pool, cracked through the thin layer of ice and had just enough depth to scoop from. Thankful for my water, I got set up at a decent time, just before the sun went down.


XOXO Green Light   

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Karen Hudgin

    Just wondering if your hike is finished. I am thinking that you still have another post. If this was the last post, I can at least stop checking. It would also be fun to know how your “reality” life has been going!

    1. admin

      Hi Karen! Yes, I just posted day 190, and day 191 (my last day) will follow tomorrow or the following day. Thank you for continuing to follow along! 🙂

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