Day 186 & 187- South Lake Tahoe, My Last Stop

Day 186: mile 1076.6-1090 (South Lake Tahoe)

Day 187-Zero in SLT 

I was packed up by 7:15 just in case someone came to check on the information center and wanted to yell at me for sleeping here. I took advantage of the amenities, dumped my trash, filled up on hand sanitizer, and I was off. 

The controlled burn was even more apparent today than yesterday. My lungs could feel it in the air, and my eyes could see it in the distance. 

It doesn’t look smokey, but it is.

Within an hour of leaving camp I caught my first glimpse of Lake Tahoe. Oh did I forget to mention, it’s town day!? I’m headed in to South Lake Tahoe. To add to my excitement, I get to see my buddy Yukon. I haven’t seen him since Shelter Cover. He’s going SOBO to finish up to Walker Pass I believe? 

I zoomed in as far as my iPhone would let me, that’s Lake Tahoe below the mountains in the distance.

Naturally, the closer I got the more I thought about the feast I would have tonight. For once I was slightly bummed thinking about food. I realized this is my last resupply, which means my time of eating anything and everything I want is coming to an end. Tragic. But tonight… I eat like a queen! 

The hike down to the road was pretty easy. Once there I stuck my thumb out, but the cars were flying by, so I was a little worried no one would stop. Luckily there was a bit of a traffic jam and the cars had to slow down. This was my chance! Sure enough a car pulled over for me. A really sweet girl and her dog picked me up and drove me into town. They dropped me at the hotel where I met up with Yukon. We were so pumped to see each other! I took a quick shower and we were off to get some laundry done before we hit the town. 

After some of our chores were done we headed out for sushi and sake, and then to the bar for some pool and too many drinks. Such a fun night! 

Day 187

We woke up hungover and headed to breakfast for lots of food and even more coffee. Afterward we headed to Lake Tahoe. On the way we accidentally crossed over into Nevada. Of course we lose out way when we’re not on trail. The lake was beautiful, but so smokey! We heard the controlled fire got out of control, which explains why it’s so bad. Guess I’ll have to come back.

Most random drinking fountain placement.

After the lake we hopped into a cab and headed back to the hotel where we ordered pizza and spent the rest of the day being total bums. 


XOXO Green Light 

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Diane Maher

    You take the most beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing your incredible adventure!!!

    1. admin

      Thank you so much! I’m so happy to share it and it makes me smile to know others are enjoying it too! 🙂

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