Day 180: mile 982.4-1002.4
The squirrel was still dropping pinecones as I packed up for the day. He’s working day and night for that winter stash! I have a feeling he’ll be fat and happy.

Just after I left camp the rocky trail picked back up, but thankfully it didn’t last long. It was gone by the time I made it to Lake Wilma. It was unexpectedly humid and buggy walking next to the lake. I’m glad I didn’t camp here, even if the view was nice. I guess there’s one positive that came out of yesterday being a slow day, I didn’t make it to Lake Wilma as planned. I think we all know I’ve seen enough bugs this year.
Outside of the climb this morning, today has felt like a gift. The ascent to Dorothy Lake Pass has been really gradual, and it looks like it’s going to stay that way.
I approached Dorthy Lake and was blown away. Something about this place just feels magical. It’s so big and beautiful! I wanted to stop for the day and just hangout, but that would make for a longer day tomorrow, and I need to catch a ride into Kennedy Meadows North. Onward and upward I go.
I made it to the top of Dorothy Lake Pass aka the easiest pass in the Sierra, what a breeze! Just over the pass I hit another lake and decided to take in the view for a minute. While I was looking around it hit me that this is all going to be over soon and I’m not ready for that to happen. I got a little teary eyed just thinking about it, even if still have 150+ miles to go. …and at least a few more today, better get moving.
There’s nothing like a rocky downhill to get your mind off being sad! More slow going for me. Is it just me or do these rocks slow everyone down?

I was excited to cross the bridge into camp. I love a good bridge! No doubt because it means I get to keep my feet dry and not get swept away by water, it’s the little and the big things!

I set up in the best of the not so appealing spots available. Shortly after, I noticed some really nice spots on the other side of the water. I guess I was so excited about the bridge I didn’t look around much. Oh well, at least I should get morning sun here. The other side is under tree cover. Silver lining.
XOXO Green Light