Day 156- Finally, A Wind-less Night Coming My Way!

Day 156: mile 674.1-693.5

I made it through the night, and surprisingly I slept kinda well considering the wind didn’t stop until morning. How lucky to be welcomed back with two nights of gusting wind, lets hope I get a break tonight. 

My spot last night. Looks like it would be a good wind block doesn’t it?

I headed out into another oatmeal-less morning due to my limited water supply (I had plenty to drink, just not enough to also use on oats, plus it was 10:30, so I should be on my way. I passed the campsites I considering pushing on to last night, and wished I had. They were definitely more sheltered from the wind. Oh well. 

My day started out quite nicely, flat and downhill. I jogged most of the way to my first water source and killed some miles. I sat and ate my oatmeal, calculating how much water I’d need for what I’m hoping is my last long carry for the rest of the trail. I’ve got 17 miles to the next water source, so I loaded up and headed out. I grabbed a bit more than I normally would have since the thirst just won’t stop!

Nice little gnat on my face. Better than a mosquito!

I started on my uphill, it felt long, but not nearly as difficult as what I’d gotten used to. Along the way I ran into a couple who were out here completing this section as well. It was fun to see some other thru-hikers out here going north. 

I made it to my campsite for the day and to my delight it was not windy at all! It was a perfect site tucked away just in case the wind did decide to start up again.

I was excited to already be at my first stop tomorrow! Unfortunately for me the Kennedy Meadows I’d been excited to arrive at will not be the same as it was months ago when the bubble came through. I will likely be one of the only hikers there. Normally it’s a big party where everyone preps and rests before entering the high Sierra. I’m sure I’ll still manage to have a good time!  


XOXO Green Light

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