Day 116- “Wow, Someone’s Sleeping In”

Day 116: mile 2099.2-2116.1

I woke up feeling so much better having gotten some sleep, and my stomach seemed to be fine too. Yes! I got packed up around 11. Since the area is very busy, there were no shortage of comments like, “wow, someone’s sleeping in”, as people walked by. This has been happening to me the whole trail, but it still makes me laugh every time. Every once in a while I respond for my own amusement and they’re shocked. Apparently people don’t realize I can hear them through my paper thin walls.

Less than a miles into the day I ran into a couple of volunteer rangers. They wanted to chat about my PCT experience so far. I always love stopping to answer questions about my hike, so I indulged, even if I was already behind. Plus they kindly offered to take a photo for me and gave me a little trail magic! 

About halfway through the day I had the option to do the alternate trail and check out Ramona Falls, so of course I did. Anytime there’s an alternate on the PCT you should take it in my opinion. They always lead to something awesome, today was no exception. 

This is one of those times where the picture quality really reflects the fact I have an iPhone 7.

Leaving the Falls and heading back to the official PCT route I followed a wonderful little creek. To make it even better, there were bridges everywhere. No rock hops or wet feet. 

More trail magic found me as I was sweating it up mid climb. David, a local in the area stopped to talk with me about this stretch of trail, and as we were parting ways he handed me some cash to buy a burger and beer when I reach Cascade Locks. I couldn’t believe it! I thanked him about 10 times and walked off with a big smile on my face, thinking about the cold beer and hot burger coming my way. 

Nice little tree bridge with a rope!

With that in mind, I really wanted to reach Cascade Locks tomorrow, but when I decided to stop just over 30 miles short I didn’t think it was a reality. Sure, I’ve done a 30 mile day before, but I’d have to get out of camp pretty early, and we all know by now that’s probably not going to happen. 

I set up for the night and as I was doing my usual end of day things I realized today marks 4 months since I left Campo. I can’t believe it! Thinking back to the beginning, it seems like the desert was so long ago, and only yesterday at the same time. Over the past 4 months the trail has become my life, and even if Oregon hasn’t been my favorite, I love every day of my life out here. Everything makes sense, and I feel more at home on the trail than I have anywhere else. 


XOXO Becks 

This Post Has 2 Comments

    1. admin

      Thanks so much! I’m glad you’re enjoying it! 🙂

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