Day 102-Lots of Miles, Lots of Views

Day 102: mile 1861.8-1889.5 

The mosquitoes were on the attack this morning. They weren’t bad when I got to camp last night, so I assumed the same this morning, mistake! Again, they’re pure evil! 

On a non-vicious note, here is the amazing view from my campsite. Also the random slippers someone decided to leave behind, hopefully on accident. The mosquitoes have probably made them home by now. 

The day was filled with some pretty great views as I popped in and out of the trees. 

It was also filled with more long water carries! I made my way to Windigo Pass Trailhead and to the water cache that was waiting for me. Bowie was also there filling up. We chatted for a bit before our friend David caught up and challenged us to a bet. The last to Shelter Cove (our stop tomorrow) bought the pizza. We thought this was 100% unfair since David was taking the alternate route, 8 miles shorter, but challenge accepted! 

We headed out and up, joined by a super cool section hiker we met at the cache. She is doing all of Oregon. Poor thing, all she knows is mosquitoes! 

It was quite the climb, but the view was quite the reward.

Being that my breaks consists of a few minutes here and there I arrived shortly before both of them and began to set up my tent. We all went down to the lake where I attempted to wash my feet, meanwhile Bowie went for it. That’s his head popping out of the water. That’s all you can afford around this lake, the mosquitoes are out and on the hunt! My feet were getting eaten alive, back to the tent for me. Another day, another burrito, yum!


XOXO Becks 

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